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The vata constitution is predominantly characterized by movement. The vata mind is sensitive and creative. This leads to a slender build and active body functions, such as quick speech.

The vata mind The influence of air and ether gives the vata mind properties of movement, lightness, speed, and irregularity (such as being able to understand and learn, but also being quick to forget). The diagram below provides more qualities associated with the vata mind.


These are the characteristics of vata as described in the classical Ayurvedic scriptures. They help us understand the effect vata has on us.

The creative spark.

The ability to adapt to change.

Sense perception, especially sound and touch.

The initiating and driving force behind all actions and thoughts.

The vata mind is quick and adaptable.

Quick to understand and learn.

Wavering thoughts and routine.

Emotionally sensitive.

Quick to feel and express emotions.

Prone to anxiety and nervousness.

The vata body

The influence of vata leads to a lean build and delicate structures. The vata body’s functions tend to be active, unstable, and irregular. As functions fluctuate more readily than structures, they can be used as indicators to work out if vata has been increased or upset by your current lifestyle.

Thin, fine, dry hair.

Tendency to be thin, and to find it easier to lose than to gain weight.

Tendons and veins stand out.

Hard, brittle, thin nails.

Lean musculature.

Instable, delicate joints that can make cracking noises.

Long and narrow limbs, fingers, or toes.

This is the female vata form. Body structures are given on the left, and body functions on the right.

Light, short, and easily disturbed sleep.

Quick, undirected movements of eyes and limbs.

Can be talkative with fast and soft speech.

Prefers warm temperatures and finds the cold and wind uncomfortable.

Quick, light, and changing movements.

Susceptible to catching a light cold.

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