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Structure and stability characterize the kapha mind and body. The kapha mind is patient and deliberate, while the kapha body has a sturdy build and slow-working body functions, such as a slow metabolism.


These are the characteristics of kapha as described in the classical Ayurvedic scriptures. They help us understand the effect kapha has on us.

cold, oily, heavy, stable, soft, slow, unmoving, sweet, viscous, sticky

The kapha mind

The influence of earth and water gives the kapha mind properties of stability and endurance (such as coolheadedness and good memory). In the following, more qualities related to the Kapha mind are presented.

Endowed with excellent longterm memory.

Long-term thinking and planning.

Good natured.

Slow to change.

Tolerant, courageous, patient, and generous.

The kapha mind is stable and calm.

The capacity to enjoy sense pleasures.

Stable and calm.

Slow to learn.

Deliberate in reacting.

The kapha body

The influence of kapha leads to a compact, sturdy physique with potential for muscle and fat buildup. The kapha body’s functions are slow (sometimes lethargic) and stable. As functions fluctuate more readily than structures, they can be used as indicators to work out if kapha has been increased or upset by your current lifestyle.

Body structure

Thick, dense, oily hair.

Round, broad features.

Tends to gain weight.

Moist, oily, cold, firm, and thick skin.

Thick, strong nails.

Large, welldeveloped muscles.

Firm, broad, and welllubricated joints and firm ligaments.

Strong, sturdy, large bones.

Body functions

Long, deep, restful sleep.

Slow, soothing speech.

Moderate amount of sweat that doesn’t smell much.

A slow metabolism, and doesn’t have much hunger or thirst.

Has good endurance.

Slow, strong movements.

Has good immunity.

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