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The best time to practice pranayama

‏The best time to practice pranayama depends on individual preferences and your daily schedule. However, here are some suitable times to consider:

‏1. Early Morning
‏- Benefits:
‏ – Fresh air and a calm environment help you start your day with positive energy.
‏ – At this time, your mind is calmer and more prepared for practice.

‏2. Before Meditation
‏- Benefits:
‏ – Performing pranayama before meditation can help calm the mind and better prepare you for focus.
‏ – Deep breathing provides more energy for meditation.

‏3. During the Day
‏- Benefits:
‏ – When you feel stressed or fatigued, you can take a few minutes to practice pranayama to regain your energy and focus.
‏ – This can help increase productivity at work or in your studies.

‏4. Before Sleep
‏- Benefits:
‏ – Practicing calming pranayama techniques before sleep can help reduce tension and improve sleep quality.
‏ – These exercises assist in calming your mind and transitioning into sleep.

‏General Tips
‏- Listen to Your Body: The right time for you may vary. It’s important to listen to your body and its needs.
‏- Establish a Routine: Try to set a specific time for pranayama practice to make it a daily habit.

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