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Part 2

☯️ Hello and greetings to all of you dear ones

On this page, we will review the science of Ayurveda from the beginning

For this purpose, the posts are numbered so that you know where to start to start learning.

May our path always be full of light and awareness

According to the classical Indian philosophy from which both Ayurveda and Yoga originate, there are four goals in life, which include: Dharma, Artha, Kamma, and Moksha.

Ayurveda means “science of life” and consists of a wide collection of information about healthy living and treatment of diseases. It covers medical fields ranging from psychology to surgery, and pediatrics to the elderly.

♻️Ayurvedic knowledge, which was first transmitted by word of mouth, was finally written down in the Sanskrit language of ancient India. Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata are the authors of the three classic Ayurvedic scriptures.

Ayurveda and Yoga:

In recent times Ayurveda has expanded beyond India and into the modern Western world, and its focus on overall health and well-being has been widely embraced, contributing to its ever-growing popularity.

Ayurveda and Yoga are two sister sciences that both originate from the same philosophy. However, Ayurveda focuses primarily on the goal of dharma (right living), while yoga primarily focuses on the goal of moksha (enlightenment).

Both systems are practices with a holistic perspective – in which people are seen as integrated beings with body, mind and consciousness. Therefore, to reach the ultimate goal and truth, yoga and Ayurveda should be taught and practiced together

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