Pitta is hot, liquid, sharp, light, quickly penetrating, sour, and slightly oily. It is pacified by practices that are cooling, soothing, heavy, slightly drying, and mild as these characteristics are opposite to its own.


Those with a lot of pitta tend toward intensity both in their emotions and activities. They benefit from a mild and moderate work and personal life. They should partake in soothing hobbies and avoid activities that might provoke strong emotions.


  • Oil massages with cooling oils.
  • Go swimming.
  • Go on walks in the woods or in the shade, avoiding the sun.
  • Take cool baths.
  • Listen to calming music.


  • Sunbathe or stay in the sun too long.
  • Get stressed.
  • Use saunas and steam rooms.
  • Give in to strong anger or irritation.
  • Engage in competitive activities.


Pitta is pacified by cooling or soothing oils, such as coconut or almond oil, which counteract its heat and sharpness.


Swimming and outdoor exercises in the shade are the best forms of exercise for pitta. Those with a lot of pitta will benefit from noncompetitive sports, reigning in their competitiveness and focusing on enjoying the exercise.


Elevated pitta can be pacified by eating four times a day in small portions; avoiding pungent, sour foods; and adding cold, raw food to their diet. A diet to pacify pitta contains more vegetables than a vata diet, and more grains than a kapha diet.

Yoga and meditation

The pitta drive and competitiveness are directed inward during yoga practice, developing body awareness rather than competitiveness. Meditation then soothes the sharp pitta nature.

Practitioner treatments

You may wish to go to an Ayurvedic practitioner. They will assess you first, and may then recommend treatments such as an eye bath or a massage with cooling and soothing oils to pacify pitta, or a panchakarma treatment to eliminate elevated pitta.

“Pitta in harmony has good vision and digestion, a normal temperature and hunger, and is happy and intelligent.” CHARAKA


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