The strength of each dosha varies throughout the day, affecting how well our bodies perform different functions. To maintain balance, build your daily routine around when each dosha is strongest.

The daily rhythm of the doshas

The body and mind follow an internal clock—a cycle of 24 hours. At different times of the day, the doshas change strength, and with them their influence on the body and mind. By adapting your daily routine to these phases, you are keeping the doshas well-balanced, ensuring they work effectively. For example, agni (digestive fire) is most active when pitta is strong during the daytime (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.), so this is when you should eat your largest meal. The daily rhythm of the individual doshas’ strength influences our experience of the doshas within our bodies. For example, a person who has kapha as one of the dominant doshas in their constitution may find it particularly difficult to get up during the time kapha is strong. This is because any natural heaviness from his or her constitution is added to by the extra strength of kapha at that time of day. It is therefore especially important for them to get up before 6 a.m. (during vata time), when the strength of vata counteracts their naturally high kapha levels, making them feel lighter.

Keeping to a routine

Regularity in your routine is essential. Getting up, eating, and going to bed at the same time each day will provide an ideal framework for a healthy life and a day full of energy. All of the body’s processes will benefit from this regularity. For example, eating your meals at the same times each day means your agni will know to become active at those times.


Those of a vata nature need the most sleep (about 8–9 hours each night). To help soothe restlessness before bed, they should have a hot bath or oil massage during vata time, then go to bed during kapha time to ensure restful sleep.


People of a pitta nature need 7–8 hours of sleep each night. They benefit from turning off their screens an hour before going to bed. Calming breathing exercises and meditation after 6pm will help them get to sleep.


Those with a kapha nature only need about 7 hours of sleep. They should get up during vata time (before 6 a.m.) to get the best start to the day. Balanced kapha types have little problem getting restful sleep.

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