منابع اصلی آیورودا: مبانی و متون کلیدی

The Principal Sources of Ayurveda: Foundations and Key Texts

Ayurveda, as one of the oldest traditional medical systems in the world, is rooted in texts referred to as the “classical texts” or “sacred books of Ayurveda.” These texts encompass comprehensive knowledge about medicine, nutrition, healthy living, and philosophies related to health. This article introduces the most significant Ayurvedic sources and examines their role in shaping the principles of this science.

1. Charaka Samhita

  • Fundamental principles of the Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)
  • Diagnosis of diseases and therapeutic methods
  • Use of medicinal plants and traditional healing methods
  • Principles of hygiene and healthy living

2. Sushruta Samhita

  • Principles and techniques of surgery
  • Treatment of wounds and suturing methods
  • Anatomy and physiology of the human body
  • Treatment of fractures and other physical injuries

3. Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita

Authored by Vagbhata, the Ashtanga Hridaya is one of the most comprehensive Ayurvedic texts, presenting Ayurvedic principles in a systematic manner.

4. Vedic Texts and Upanishads

The Ayurvedic texts draw extensively from the teachings of the Vedas, particularly the Atharva Veda, which contains early knowledge of medicinal plants and natural healing methods. The Upanishads have also significantly influenced deeper Ayurvedic concepts.

5. Bhavaprakasha

  • Properties of medicinal plants
  • Ayurvedic formulations
  • Specific treatments for various diseases

6. Other Texts and Commentaries

Besides the primary texts, many commentaries have been written to enhance the understanding of Ayurveda, including Madhukosha, Sharata, and Deepika.

Significance of These Texts in the Modern World

With increasing global attention toward traditional and complementary medicine, Ayurvedic texts play a pivotal role in providing natural health solutions. Many of these texts have been translated into various languages, and modern research continues to build upon their teachings.


The primary sources of Ayurveda have not only shaped the foundation of this science but continue to inspire practitioners, researchers, and enthusiasts of natural healing methods. Studying and understanding these texts can offer a comprehensive perspective on health and life, providing practical knowledge for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

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