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Now that you have established a routine, you are ready to focus on how you can maintain it. You can also enhance your health and well-being further by diving deeper into what Ayurevda and yoga have to offer.

The start of your day

Get up at around 5:30 a.m. every day. Then, gradually add the following practices to your routine:

  • Do 30 minutes of yoga and meditation each morning.
  • Give yourself at least one self-massage each week.

Food and mealtimes

Gradually build up the following practices until all of them become part of your lifestyle.

  • Eat your meals at the same times each day.
  • Adapt your meals to the seasons.
  • If inspired to, try becoming a full vegetarian.
  • Identify which diet suits the doshas in your body and follow it if your dosha(s) are upset.
  • Start using the spices that are best suited to your constitution and your palate.
  • Introduce fasting on one day each week if you are pitta or kapha, or half a day each week if you are vata.

Yoga and meditation

Do 1 hour of yoga and meditation each day. This is best split into two 30-minute sessions—one in the morning, and another in the afternoon or evening.

  • Include both breathing and relaxation exercises in your yoga sessions.
  • Go to a yoga class at least once a week to benefit from the group energy and stay inspired.
  • Try going to a yoga retreat once a year to fully recharge both physically and mentally. This will also give you motivation to stick with and deepen your practice.

“If you entertain healthy thoughts, you can keep good health.” SWAMI SIVANANDA

Ayurvedic treatments

Always monitor the health of your agni and doshas. Try some of these practices:

  • Use basic home remedies, such as only drinking Ayurvedic water.
  • During the winter, practice nasya up to three times a day.
  • If pitta and kapha are strong in your constitution, do a long fast in the spring—for 2 days or up to a week.
  • Go to an Ayurvedic doctor for a panchakarma treatment, ideally during spring or fall.

The end of your day

You should now be going to bed by 10 p.m. each night. You could also try some of these suggestions.

  • Ban any computer or phone screens from the room in which you sleep.
  • End each day with enough time for soothing practices, such as quiet contemplation, meditation, or yogic breathing.
  • Stop working at least an hour before going to bed as often as you are able to.


Those of a vata nature should try to:

  • Eat warm meals.
  • Try to have regular bowel movements.
  • Perform regular oil massages.


Those of a pitta nature should try to:

  • Eat ghee and milk.
  • Soothe their eyes with rosewater or castor oil.
  • Be tolerant to themselves and others.


Those of a kapha nature should try to:

  • Limit their intake of fatty and heavy foods.
  • Fast and exercise on a regular basis.
  • Boost their metabolism with a dry powder or kapha oil massage.

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