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You have already started to change your lifestyle and experienced the benefits, so here is how you can improve on your progress and stay motivated. Try to continue to add new practices and habits at the same pace.

The start of your day

Try to get up around 6 a.m. by setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier every two weeks. Gradually add the practices below to your morning routine.

  • Practice positive thinking— wake up with a feeling of gratefulness toward all life.
  • Practice nasya and oil pulling.
  • Perform a self-massage once a week before you take a shower.
  • Drink one or two glasses of hot water to have a bowel movement.

Food and mealtimes

Buy some basic spices and eat one meal a day at the same time. You may want to work toward vegetarianism to increase sattva.


  • Adapt your breakfast to your dominant dosha(s).


  • Prepare a simple lunch, such as stir-fried vegetables, in the morning, and bring it to work in an insulated lunch box.


  • Eat a light, soupy, easily digestible meal at 6 p.m. each evening.

Yoga and meditation

Practice neck exercises at work to take a break from the computer. Start doing yoga and meditation over the weekend, then introduce weekday sessions, too.

  • 10–30 minutes of pranayama and asanas.
  • 10 minutes of meditation.


These easy changes will have a noticeable effect on your health, providing added motivation for you to continue more challenging lifestyle practices.

  • Avoid sugary snacks one day a week.
  • Replace sweets with fresh or dried fruit.
  • Only drink hot or warm Ayurvedic water during the day.

Physical exercise and activity

Doing regular exercise is the best way to build it into your routine. You may want to try out different types of exercise to see what you enjoy doing most.

  • If daily practice is not possible, establish an exercise routine of 2–3 times a week.
  • Try to do a form of exercise that suits your dominant dosha(s).

The end of your day

Try to go to sleep at 10 p.m. or earlier by going to bed 30 minutes earlier each month. Then gradually build the following practices into your routine.

  • Finish any work you need to do (both mentally and physically) an hour before going to bed, and reduce the presence of electronic devices from the room in which you sleep.
  • Do 5 minutes of meditation and yogic breathing exercises before bed.


Those of a vata nature should try to:

  • Perform a self-massage with soothing oils—try to give yourself two massages a week.
  • Introduce regularity by eating your meals at the same time every day.


Those of a pitta nature should try to:

  • Drink fewer alcoholic drinks and reduce the amount of fried or spicy food you eat.
  • Perform alternate nostril breathing every day.


Those of a kapha nature should try to:

  • Perform a self-massage using kapha oils or herbal powder once a week.
  • Skip either breakfast or dinner once a week if you are able to or aren’t hungry.
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